I got tired of maintaining a PHP-based web gallery, so the galleries below are directly from Lightroom. I intend to clean this up at some stage, but it will take a while. Links to individual images no longer work as a result.
It looks like all edits I have done to the older photos have been lost over the years, so these are not the same versions that I had available in the gallery earlier. Many of the captions of the older photos have been lost too.
Photos from Tomi and Hanne's wedding on July 7, 2001. The newest photos were added on March 18, 2004.
Photos by Veli-Matti Junnila and Timo Nikkanen.
The SF-related photos have been reorganized into a separate album for clarity.
The awards ceremony for the Atorox and Nova prizes for 2005 The Turku Science Fiction Society (TSFS) awards the Atorox prize annually for the best Finnish short story first published the previous year.
TSFS and the Finnish Science Fiction Writers Association (FSFWA) organise the Nova writing contest for new SF writers.
The awards (along with that of the ecological sf contest organized by FSFWA and Friends of the Earth) were given at the Atonova event on September 17 in Turku.
Photos from Finncon 2004 in Jyväskylä on July 10 and 11, 2004.
A short hiking trip to the Kuhankuono area in Southwestern Finland
Photos from a short hiking trip to the Kuhankuono national park in Southwest Finland on August 24, 2003. Participants included Johanna Ahonen, Tomi Junnila, Ben Roimola and Tero Ykspetäjä.
Finncon X - Eurocon 2003 science fiction and fantasy convention. The largest Finncon in Turku to date, Finncon X - Eurocon 2003 was held in early August, 2003.
Finncon GoHs Michael Swanwick, Steve Sansweet and Jonathan Clements dining at the Harald viking-themed restaurant in Turku on July 29.
Wednesday night was taken by a Finnish night for the GoHs present, who were offered traditional Finnish food.
On Thursday, a party was organized for the foreign (Alien) visitors.
Saturday night saw the masquerade party at Kino.
The Art of Star Wars Exhibition in the Barbican Gallery, London, on July 12, 2000.
The bachelor party convention for Tino Warinowski October 15, 2005 saw the bachelor party convention for Tino Warinowski. The programme included his guest of honour speech, a panel discussion on "Life? Who needs one?", and a Tolkien themed quiz. In the evening, Tino led the founding meeting of PiSci (Piikkiö Science Fiction Society) and we had a raclette party at Mari and Mikko Saario's house in Piikkiö.
Photos from our vacation in London in November 2003 Photos from our vacation in London in November, 2003
Photos from my trip to Osaka for the MIPI quarterly meetings in March, 2006 and 2011
Tomi's trip to a MIPI meeting in Miami, Florida in late November 2007
Tomi's trip to a MIPI meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii in March 2008
Photos from visits to Grenoble, France (December 2009 and later)
Vancouver, British Columbia - October 2011
Photos from our house-building project.
We had a house built (and had to do a considerable amount of building ourselves) in Piikkiö during 2005. This album contains photos documenting that project.
Labor Day celebrations in Turku, May 1, 2000. All photo descriptions are in Finnish.
Sekalainen seurueemme kokoontui taas TYYlikkääseen vappuun 1.5.2000. Tällä kertaa meitä saattoi melkein syyttää jo välineurheilustakin, sillä mukana oli mm. minun paviljonkini, tai oikeastaan vain sen katto-osa. Pitihän ohikulkijoiden päästä pällistelemään pöydän tarjoiluja (ja niinhän ne tekivätkin - jotkut koettivat käydä ostamassa kioskiltamme purtavaa).
Päivä sattui olemaan aurinkoinen (vaikkakin muuten hiukan viileä ainakin aamulla klo 8.45, jolloin kokoonnuimme kokoamaan telttaa), joten ottamiini kuviin tuli hiukan ylijyrkkiä kontrasteja. Useassa tapauksessa olisi pitänyt ylivalottaa enemmän kuin sen aukon verran kuin satuin ylivalottamaan, ja olenkin pyrkinyt hieman tätä näissä skannauksissa korjaamaan saturoimalla armotta valoisaa päätä, jotta tummia sävyjä saisi paremmin esiin. Täydellisesti tämä ei ole onnistunut, mutta ehkä näistä nyt jonkun tunnistaa.
Old scenery photos (from 1993 to 1995) moved from the old photo gallery system, which was too bothersome to use. Various scenery photos moved from the old gallery. The photos date back to around 1993 to 1995, and were shot with my now old (then very new) and faithful Canon EOS 5, probably with the EF 28-80 f/3.5-5.6 zoom lens.
Uncategorized photos from wherever
Photos that couldn't really be classified in any of the other categories, and which don't warrant a category of their own.
Kuvat siirretty toiseen galleriaan, jonka osoitteen voi pyytää Tomilta tai Hannelta.